online detox FOR EVERYONE

Only a strong immunity can protect you from any disease.


21 days that can be the key to change your life and regain lost energy

Juicer BRAWO Life B-365

One of the best juicers on the market

BRAWO Life  Cz&Sk


BRAWO Life Indonesia

BRAWO Life Switzerland


BRAWO Life Franchise


Health is a journey

The only person that can heal you is YOU! But we are here to help you on your journey and show you how to find balance between spiritual and physical health. We will also show you that it is possible to heal from any disease by your own will and strength. We teach you how to detox your body using fresh juices and clean food, how to prepare raw and vegan meals and how to take care of your mental health leading to a healthy lifestyle. Your body is your temple. Ask yourself, how are you feeling today? What life do you want to live in 10, 20, 40 years? You can start building a strong foundation on your vision today. With every healthy meal, every meditation, every physical and mental activity, every affirmation and with gratitude you are closer to solid and balanced health and well-being. 


Our recipe for health is not based on any pills or medication, as this solution is not long term. Rather, we build it with self-responsibility, because there is no one else who will take responsibility for your health and your life. It’s only up to YOU.


If you are ready and want to take full responsibility for your life and your health, it will be our pleasure to be a part of your journey. The most important journey of our life.

Detox dates in FB group for free:

Our online detox takes place in our Facebook group 4 times a year and it’s completely free of charge. Online detox- 21 days to change means 14 days on fresh fruit and vegetable juices and 7 days on a raw plant based diet.
We provide you a support along the way with your detox so you can enjoy it from the comfort of your home. It’s a great opportunity to start your journey to better health and better lifestyle. Join our Facebook group which was already joined by 8,700 people with same interests in their health and well-being. To feel good and be 100% healthy.


NEW YEAR’S DETOX 6.1.-26.1.2024

SPRING DETOX 26.3.-15.4.2024

SUMMER DETOX  22.7.-11.8.2024

AUTUMN DETOX  20.9.-10.10.2024


“21 days to change” is a detox program where you consume only fresh fruit and vegetable juices for 14 days and you spend the next 7 days on a raw vegan diet. This will help you to cleanse and detox your body from all the toxins that cause your health issues.


Ebooks with recipes, video recipes, advice, instructions for detox, juices, raw vegan diet.

Juicers and blenders

Great helpers along the way on your journey to better health and healthy lifestyle

Cold press juicer

BRAWO Life B-365

We tried many juicers during our travels around the world and now we are proud to offer you the best one under our own brand. This powerful slow juicer with a large inlet can handle large pieces of fruit and vegetables while preserving as many nutrients, vitamins and minerals as possible. We promise you it will make the best juice for your detox.


Julka and I met when we resolved our health problems and ended old relationships. That’s why we appreciate one another, and even more importantly ourselves. RESOLVING THE WORRIES AND ANGER IN YOUR HEAD Finding love and forgiveness in yourself once more. Coming to terms with childhood events, and forgiving everyone who harmed me. Ridding myself of the hatred, anger and fear that help feed the ILLNESS. Forgiveness and inner reconciliation can help me. Anger, rage and worry won’t help me; on the contrary, they damage me more and more, which then leads to serious illnesses. What’s more, everyone who harmed me were in turn harmed when they were children themselves. So they behave as their parents behaved towards them. We can’t blame them for being unable to bear their anger, fear and hatred when they lacked so much love.

How can RAW detox help you?

  • Restoring life energy and joy of living
  • Painful menstruation /PMS/
  • Overweight
  • Blood pressure and its normalization
  • Eczema
  • Digestive disorders
  • Migraine, headache
  • Inflammations in the body
  • Thyroid problems
  • Psoriasis
  • Joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Improving sleep
  • Endometriosis
  • Varicose veins
  • Prostate problems
  • and much more…